Rent reused office furniture

Soeco is your partner for sustainable office interiors! We offer a unique opportunity to rent reclaimed office furniture through our innovative Soeco FLEX® leasing agreement. By choosing Soeco FLEX®, you are not just investing in furniture – you are investing in a greener, smarter, and more flexible work environment.

Why choose reclaimed office furniture? 
At Soeco, we believe in changing the way we think about office interiors. Renting reclaimed furniture is not just an economically savvy choice; it is a powerful step towards reducing our environmental impact. Soeco FLEX® represents an evolution in how we manage our workspaces – it is a leasing agreement that extends beyond just the furniture.

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Circular Thinking

With Soeco FLEX®, your office space becomes part of a larger vision for sustainability. We not only focus on offering reclaimed furniture, but we strive for circular reuse, where each piece of furniture becomes part of a long-term solution to reduce the need for new resources. Your choice to rent reclaimed office furniture thus becomes an active contribution to a more sustainable future.

Create Your Own Workspace 
We understand that the needs of businesses can change rapidly. With our flexible leasing agreement, you can tailor your workspace to accommodate these changes. Perhaps you need to convert a conference room into a temporary workspace or add more tables and chairs to the kitchen to accommodate a growing team. With Soeco FLEX®, making these adjustments is easy and hassle-free.


Benefits of Soeco FLEX®:

  1. Short Notice Period: Our short notice period, with one week's termination notice, gives you the freedom to adapt and change your workspace according to your company's needs. Need to quickly reorganize to meet new challenges? With Soeco FLEX®, it's possible.
  2. Lifetime Functionality Guarantee: We believe in quality and sustainability. As long as you rent the furniture, we offer a lifetime functionality guarantee to ensure that your workplace is always equipped with reliable and functional furniture.

  3. Great Flexibility: With Soeco FLEX®, you can easily replace or complement your rented furniture during the ongoing agreement. Need more workspaces, or perhaps a refresh of the conference room? We have what you need.

Rent furniture